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Semester Update/End of Year!

Wow, what an incredible year it’s been to be a Cardinal Key. The 2016-2017 school year brought countless challenges that never could have been anticipated, and though it hasn’t always been easy, we’re grateful for all the opportunities we had to grow. The good news is that despite our challenges, we’ve had a lot of fun along the way!

We welcomed 15 beautiful new women into our beloved organization…

…and we watched them grow into fully initiated members of Cardinal Key.

And CK alum Hannah Hyer gave a brilliant speech. Our new babies thanked her with a little CK love for her dog, Meryl!

We also had a great time at our “Under the C(K)” retreat, where we did “sea yoga,” made some pretty hilarious skits, and soaked up a lot of love.

Thanks to our retreat committee for planning it!

We danced the night away at our formal with Blue Key:

And of course, we found PLENTY of time for service this semester. We got in a lot of time at Manor Care, as always, and found the time to help out at some new places, like Take Root Cafe. To finish off the semester, we participated in a Service Cup Challenge with Blue Key and WON!!!

We’re so grateful for the love we’ve given and gotten in return. We’re thankful for this semester, this year, and every moment we’ve had together. As we look forward to the future, we do so with endless love and gratitude in our hearts.

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All Aboard SS Cardinal Key

CK held retreat Friday, March 20 and had a blast with our SS CK theme! This was our new member’s first retreat and it was so great to enjoy good company, food, friends and of course laughs with our whole chapter.

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National Diabetes Awareness Month!

Its National Diabetes Awareness month and Cardinal Keys are spending their afternoon in the SUB today 11/11  from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. passing out ribbons and sharing information about JDRF and Type 1 Diabetes.


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Fall Interest Party!


Interested in joining Cardinal Key? Come meet the women of Cardinal Key and find out more about our organization on November 10th. We will be hosting 2 information sessions, starting at 6-6:45 p.m. and then 7-7:45. We would love to see you at whichever one works best for you!

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Fall Retreat at CAMP CK!


Retreat committee had so much fun planning and leading Fall Retreat!



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We had a blast serving at the JDRF Inspire1 5K Race/Kid’s Fun Run & the NEMO Triatholon!

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Cardinal Keys Meet at Thousand Hills for Kick-Off Meeting!

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by | August 20, 2014 · 8:20 pm

End Of An Era


Our graduates! Whitney Skidmore, Hannah FInk, Sarah George, Stacey Norby, Lara Redmond, Clarie Moore, Abbi Berry, Chelsea Holland, Lynde Blakely, Kayla Lagud, Katie Hirsch, Heather Redel, Tailor Kappers, and Lauren Chapman

Looks like this is it folks.  Our seniors officially graduated!  Congratulations to all of them and their families.  They are all amazing woman who are off to change the world!

CK love to everyone else out there too!  Cardinal Key hopes all of you out there have a safe and wonderful summer.

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CK Sleepover!


Our spring semester retreat was on March 22, 2014.  It was sleepover themed!  LOTS of laughter, bonding and CK love was shared.  Thanks retreat committee!!!

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Serving We Live

This semester we have been able to team up with the Blue Keys for more service than ever before!  Together we have made meals at Hope’s Kitchen, painted Head Start Preschool, collected campus glass recycling, tutored at the middle school, and served at the Truman Foundation donors banquet, just to name a few.  We love serving alongside Blue Keys!

Emily, Morgan, Jancee, Erin and Hannah had a great morning serving with Femi and Kyle!

Emily, Morgan, Jancee, Erin and Hannah had a great morning serving with Femi and Kyle! 

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