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This One’s For The Girls

February 1, 2014 was a day filled with lots of CK love!  Moms, grandmas, and sisters from all over the US came to Kirksville for our Mom’s Day!  We started the day off getting to know everyone better over a delicious lunch at the University Club, then we split up into groups to do a variety of service projects around the Kirksville community, and ended the day with a silent auction where we raised over $500 for JDRF.  Everything CK is piled into one day 🙂

Thank you to Ellyn, Lauren, and Morgan for all your hard work and for all who were able to attend!

Just spreading the CK love to some of our favorite ladies!

Just spreading the CK love to some of our favorite ladies!

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Kirksville Local Celebrities

On January 30th, Cardinal Key and Blue Key were treated to a night at the Bulldogs basketball game from President and Mrs. Paino!  We had a wonderful time cheering on our teams to victories and getting to know them.  Thank you Painos for the free food and pom pom, but most of all for your encouragement and the difference you are making in the Kirksville community!

Just some of the wonderful people who came out to the game!

Just some of the wonderful people who came out to the basketball game!

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Meet Truman’s New Security Guards

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Cardinal Key and Blue Key had an awesome opportunity this semester to work the security for SAB’s Phillip Phillips concert!  It was a great way for us to support our fellow CK Abbi who was in charge of the event.  Obviously, we had a lot of fun with it 🙂 Thanks SAB!!! And good work Abbi!


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Thankful for Cardinal Key

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Before everyone went home for Thanksgiving break, our wonderful social chair Ellyn planned a Thanksgiving progressive dinner!  Cardinal Keys went from house to house enjoying Thanksgiving appetizers, dessert and of course turkey.  Yummy!  Thanks Ellyn!


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Day of Dads

On November 8th Dads traveled from near and far to enjoy the day with their Cardinal Key daughters!  We loved having our dads in town to show them what Cardinal Keys like to do most: spend time to together, serve together, eat together, and support Truman together!

head start dads day

Peggy, Hannah, Stacey, Claire, Lauren and their dads/grandpas spent their service portion of Dads Day raking leaves at the Kirksville Head Start school!

Kirsten and her dad cheer on the Truman Bulldogs with other CKs!

Kirsten and her dad cheer on the Truman Bulldogs with other CKs!

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Around the World- Fall Retreat 2013


The Eugene Fair chapter of Cardinal Key had a great retreat at The Crossing on November 1st!  We reflected on our year so far, made goals for the future, took oodles of pictures, ate more than our stomachs could hold, shared our hidden ninja and acting talents, laughed til our sides hurt and left with smiles on our faces.  Thanks to our retreat committee for all their hard work!!!


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Trick or Treating Cardinal Key Style


All over Kirksville this Halloween, Truman Cardinal Keys participated in our annual “Trick or treat, save your sweets” fundraiser for JDRF.  We went around to local homes asking for donations, in the hope that kids with diabetes will be able to enjoy the candy they receive on Halloween someday.  In 1.5 hours we were able to raise over $600!!!!! We are so thankful to be a part of such a giving community!


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Fall Interest Party- Fall 2013

Are you interested in learning more about what Cardinal Key is, meeting some CKs, and finding out what we do?  Then come to our fall interest party on November 11th in the SUB Georgian room C!  We will have two shifts, the first from 6:30-7:15 and the second from 7:30-8:15.  We suggest that last names A-L attend the first session and last names M-Z attend the second session.  If your designated session doesn’t work for you, then feel free to attend the other one!

Check out our Facebook event, Cardinal Key Fall Interest Party, for the most updated information and feel free to respond to the event if you are attending!


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Our very own Abbi Berry was crowned Truman State Homecoming QUEEN on October 19, 2013!  What an honor!


We are so excited and proud of Abbi!



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2013 National Conference

Members of the Truman CK chapter attended the National Conference in Chicago-October 5-8.  The theme of this year’s conference was “Creating Connections” and Morgan Schmitz, Lara Redmond, Shelby Pieper and Advisor Liz Jorn attended workshops on fundraising, JDRF, recruitment, reports and social media.  Attendees also volunteered at the Ron Santo Walk to Cure Diabetes which had over 7000 walkers and raised over $1.1 million. Also in attendance were Truman alumni, which included Devin Lammy (National Co-Director), Rachel Marx, Kirsten Vollmer, Baillie Cloyd and Gretchen Smiles.  On the last day of the conference elections were held for new national officers and there was a closing banquet celebrating the accomplishments of all the Ck chapters. Shelby was voted in as the new National President and Morgan as Vice President. Congrats Shelby and Morgan!

Shelby, Lara, and Morgan rocking their Cardigans at Nations in Chicago!

Shelby, Lara, and Morgan rocking their Cardigans at Nationals in Chicago!

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